How crazy left obsessed with skin color are the Democrats? The answer is “very.” Just ask former VP Joe Biden, who was forced to say in a debate that he is not a racist.
On Thursday night, Senator Kamala Harris dropped the hammer on Biden, who looked totally startled:
Harris told Biden that she didn’t believe he was a “racist,” but considered his recent comments about being able to work with segregationist senators early in his career “hurtful.”“You worked with them to oppose busing,” Harris then said, referring to his efforts to limit federal orders for school desegregation by busing.In an emotional moment, she then told her own story of being bused as a little girl in California.
It was good politics, specially in front of that audience. However, I am not sure that it will work in on the road to the nomination. Does any serious person out there, left or right, think that Joe Biden is a racist because he worked with other Senators?
What it tells me is just how focused on race this party has become. Again, this focus on race and gender works very well in that debate but I don’t see it benefiting the party down the road.
My guess is that Biden went home last night and said to Mrs. Biden that they are calling him a racist for working with other senators. I’m sure that his wife replied that this is not the party that they both knew. It is not!
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