Monday, February 04, 2019

Clock ticking quickly for Maduro

Down in Venezuela, the people are in the streets and Sr. Maduro got some very bad news.  He lost a key military man, as we see in this report:   
An active Venezuelan general called on the armed forces to rebel against President Nicolas Maduro and to recognize the opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim chief as pressure at home and abroad grows on the head of state to step down.
In a video circulating on Twitter on Saturday, General Francisco Yanez of the air force’s high command, said most of the armed forces already disavowed Maduro, who claims he is victim of a coup directed by the United States.
“People of Venezuela, 90 percent of the armed forces of Venezuela are not with the dictator, they are with the people of Venezuela,” Yanez said in the video.
“Given the happenings of the last few hours, already the transition to democracy is imminent.”
The high command’s web page lists Yanez, along with a photo, as the air force’s head of strategic planning.
Wonder what other general is next?
There are three possible scenarios for Maduro:
First, the Batista exit, filling up a plane with your belongings and leave in the middle of the night.  I should add that my parents did not support  Fulgencio Batista but he did leave a very prosperous nation behind.  You can’t say that about Maduro.
Second, a flight to Mexico or Cuba and trust that no Venezuelan targets him like they did with Somoza.  Back in 1980, exiled Nicaraguan president Anastasio Somoza-Debayle was killed in Paraguay.  
Third, and I’d love to see this, arrested like Manuel Noriega to spend time in a federal prison.  Of course, he won’t have Noriega to chat baseball with.  He died in 2017.
I should add a fourth scenario: execution like Nicolae Ceaușescu in 1989 or suicide like Salvador Allende 1973.
No matter how it ends, we can safely say that the end is near.
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