Friday, February 08, 2019

‘Baby’s in black and I’m feeling blue’

Image result for governor northam images
Don’t be surprised if Virginia Democrats are walking around singing that Beatles’ tune that goes like this:    
Oh dear, what can I do?
Baby’s in black and I’m feeling blue
Tell me, oh what can I do?
Yes, there are some harsh winds in Virginia and no one is blaming it on global warming.
Once upon a time, it would have been unthinkable to use yearbook posts or photos to attack an incumbent governor or nominee to the Supreme Court.   In other words, no one would have used your youthful indiscretions to destroy you, from JFK’s younger days to the allegation of Obama’s smoking ways.
Everything changed with the Kavanaugh nomination.  We all remember Senator Sheldon Whitehouse asking questions about yearbook posts or one Democrat after another rushing to TV to say that Blasey Ford was telling the truth before she had spoken a word in public.
Where do we go from here?   My hope is that common sense returns to our politics and we stop this madness.
In the meantime, forgive me for saying that it ‘s fun to see the Democrats get a taste of their own medicine.  Wonder what other white Southern Democrat is desperately looking through his yearbook?   
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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