Sunday, February 18, 2024

February 2008: "Yes we can" hang a picture of Che at Obama's office!

Image result for che image at obama houston office

A post from February 2008

Our thanks to Captain Ed (A Flag Obama Supporters Salute?).

It's possible that Obama did not know about this picture. I can't expect for the presidential candidate to know what pictures hang at every office across the country. For the moment, I will cut Obama some slack on this.

This picture is significant because of what it tells you about many of Obama's supporters.

They are either very ignorant and insensitive. Or, as I suspect, the Obama campaign is full of leftists.

What would be the Dems' reaction if a Republican presidential candidate had a Chilean picture with Pinochet's face? My guess is that many in the media would ask for an explanation.

Someone should ask Obama at this picture. This is a stupid picture as well as an insult to all of those who were killed by Che, Fidel and communists all over the world.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).