Sunday, February 18, 2024

February 2008: The Dems' NAFTA charade goes on in Ohio

Image result for democrats nafta cartoons
Obama is right and wrong in Ohio.

Obama is right that Hillary Clinton has danced around NAFTA. 

Once upon a time, Clinton was for the Iraq War and NAFTA. 

 In today's populist and leftist Dem party, Hillary Clinton's support for free trade and the war are poison.

China trade deal and NAFTA were two of the most significant parts of Clinton's legacy. 

These trade deals were two of the biggest reasons that 4 million liberals voted for Nader in 2000! One of these voters was Michael Moore, who wrote a nasty letter to VP Gore in 2000 about the impact of these trade deals.

This weekend, Obama is hitting Clinton really hard on NAFTA.

Obama is wrong in pandering for votes by beating up NAFTA. Today, The NY Times hit Obama and Clinton hard on their attacks against NAFTA:

"In a review in 2003, the Congressional Budget Office concluded that Nafta had slightly increased growth in the United States and that any disruptive effects on employment were small. Trade opens foreign markets for American producers and gives consumers more choices, while competition spurs productivity growth at home." (It Must Be Ohio)
Once in a while, I agree with The NY Times. They are right here, at least in the paragraph about NAFTA.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).