Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Senator Manchin: Stop whining about this and that!

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In a couple of days,  President Trump will sign the new tax reform law with or without Democrats.   It's hard to believe that Democrats will sit this one out but apparently all of them will.    

Senator Manchin continues to act like the girl who didn't get a prom invitation.   He is also very concerned about the debt.   Sorry but this is whining and bad whining at best.

According to news reports, Senator Manchin was willing to work with the GOP but Senator McConnell was not.   This is what he was saying over the weekend:   
"I wanted to be more involved," Manchin told NBC's Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press." 
"And the president told me, he said, 'Joe, this is not going to be a tax cut for the rich like me.' And I said, 'Mr. President, that's good.' He said it's going to be for the average working person, who's got left behind," Manchin said. 
"Well, I really believe that the president wanted to work in a bipartisan way," he continued. 
Manchin went on to say that he gave the White House suggestions that would have made the legislation more palatable for Democrats. 
"I gave them a whole litany of things that I thought 10 or more Democrats would vote for," he said. 
"Once [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell [R-Ky.] decided that 51 votes was all he was needed, and they were all going to be Republicans and make it political, that's exactly what happened." 
Sorry but I find this hard to believe.

First, Majority Leader McConnell would have loved a couple of Democrats.    I'm sure that Senator McConnell would have listened to Senator Manchin's concerns.

Second, I heard that Senator Manchin lamenting on the debt.    So why did he continue to support President Obama's policies, or the same ones that doubled the debt?

Perhaps Senator Manchin, and some other red-state Democrats, will switch and vote yes.   Let's hope so because a 21% corporate tax rate is going to take the US economy in the right direction.

 P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Tags: Senator Manchin stop whining about this and that To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!