Monday, December 18, 2023

Merry Christmas is the right message

Image result for keep christ in christmas images
Christmas is too commercial, too material. There is not enough Christ in Christmas.

For years, I have objected to the excessive commercialization of Christmas.   I don't like it at all.  I hate hearing Christmas music on the day after Thanksgiving.  In fact, some of our radio stations go 24/7 Christmas after Thanksgiving. I don't like it.

However, the attack on Christmas is just as crazy.

The US is a Christian majority nation. We were founded under Judeo-Christian traditions.

No one should be offended by "Merry Christmas" or nativity symbols. 

I am not upset when I see Jewish symbols related to holidays. I think that it's great that everyone can practice their religion freely.

"Seculars" have gone crazy, from "Under God" in the pledge to this massive attack on Christian symbols.

I am happy that Bill O'Reilly has made a big issue of this. I am happier that Americans are putting pressure on stores to display Christmas symbols.

Again, thanks to Bill O'Reilly for his work.