Sunday, December 24, 2017

Dear Santa: Bring me more conservative Trump in 2018!

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To be honest, I had my doubts about Donald Trump the candidate and later the president-elect. 
I am not talking about character, tweets, or anything else.
My doubts could be reduced to one question: is this man a conservative?  Or is he just a dealer, who would sit down with the Democrats and cut deals?
So I wrote a letter to Santa Claus in December 2017, and it went like this:
Dear Santa:
Normally, I ask you for a baseball book or another Beatles CD.  However, I am asking for just a few things in 2017.  Please, Santa, hear me out:
1) Bring me a fantastic Supreme Court appointment and a Republican majority willing to fight for him.
2) Bring me a U.N. ambassador who will speak frankly – no more pandering to other countries.
3) Bring me a President Trump who fills the appellate courts with conservative judges who will be the vanguard against future judicial activism.
4) Bring me a president and a GOP Congress who will get their act together and pass tax reform and eliminate the Obamacare mandate.
5) Please reverse course on the Cuba policy.
Well, Santa clearly went to bat for me and made me very happy.
So I have another letter for Santa: give me more conservative Trump in 2018!
Merry Christmas, AT readers.  Thank you for reading my posts and posting all of those comments!  I read them all!
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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