Saturday, October 07, 2017

Giving ‘Harvey Wallbangers’ a whole new meaning

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Back in 1982, the Milwaukee Brewers won the A.L. pennant and lost a tough seven-game series to St. Louis.  The Brewers were known for home runs and scoring lots of runs.  They were popularly known as “Harvey’s Wallbangers,” after a popular mixed drink of the time.
This week, we learned about another Harvey doing a lot of scoring.  He also allegedly “Paid Off Sexual Harassment Cases for Years,” according to the New York Times.  By the way, aren’t these the same Hollywood characters who brought down Bill O’Reilly for probably doing a lot less?
We are talking about the story of Harvey Weinstein, or the same guy who donated to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton’s campaigns, Democrats, and President Obama.
This is from Chris Cillizza:
The initial response from Democratic politicians is to distance themselves from Weinstein by returning donations from him.  
In the wake of Thursday’s story, Sens. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Martin Heinrich of New Mexico and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts all signaled they will be sending back Weinstein’s money or directing it to a charitable cause.
You can expect lots and lots more Democratic politicians and organizations – Weinstein gave heavily to the Democratic National Committee, among others – to follow the lead of that quartet of senators.
And it’s hard to see how Obama and the Clintons – Weinstein is a long time pal of Bill and Hillary – can avoid putting out statements condemning him for his behavior. 
That’s especially true since Weinstein isn’t really denying the Times story; he’s threatening a lawsuit simply saying the news organization didn’t give him enough time to respond.
Of course, returning the money is a place to start.  It buys you a little time to get around to the hypocrisy of all of this.  By the way, are the Clintons in a position to return the money?  Have they not been downsizing a bit lately ever since the Clinton Foundation was essentially put out of business hours after Hillary lost the election to Mr. Trump?  Let’s hope the Clintons had a rainy day fund just in case the polls were wrong!
Harvey’s story is overflowing with hypocrisy.  It appears from news reports that everybody knew that Harvey was a predator with a special taste for young women.  And everybody was apparently scared of his temper!  We read that young aspiring women feared that saying, “I can’t do it Harv” would derail their careers.  We have not seen so much sexual harassment since they invented the term!
Again, everybody apparently knew about Harvey’s ways, especially the Obamas and Clintons, who took lots of his money.
It’s an amazing story that confirms once again that a liberal man can get away with anything as long as he supports Roe v. Wade or stands on what they call the right side of history when it comes to the definition of marriage.
We believe that Ed Ames would say, “My cup runneth over with…hypocrisy”!
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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