Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Bruno go home and tell Raul that there is a new president in town

Image result for trump cuban go home images
President Trump continues the new approach toward Cuba.
He just called on Cuban diplomats in the US to pick up their bags and go home.     The move is a reaction to Cuba’s failure to protect US diplomats from unexplained attacks in Havana.
To say the least, President Trump’s decision has plunged diplomatic ties to pre-Obama levels.
Last, but not least, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez pleaded with Secretary Tillerson to allow him to stay in the US.
Bruno, and his “pandilla comunista” will not be in Washington to enjoy the baseball playoffs on TV or enjoy the change of the leaves in autumn.    They will be back in Cuba figuring out how to deal with a US president who sees Cuba for what it is, i.e. a rogue corrupt and terrorist state that denies its people basic human rights.
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