Sunday, September 17, 2017

The UK should get angry at its leaders, not Trump’s tweets

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The U.K., the home of great leaders like P.M. Churchill and P.M. Thatcher, is now just another European country dealing with low birthrates, out-of-control mosques, and bombs going off here and there.
If I were a British citizen living in the U.K., I’d be screaming for some leadership after another bomb and more injuries.
This is the latest report from what used to be very traditionally British London:
Gun cops are now raiding a home in leafy Sunbury-on-Thames in Surrey as part of the investigation into the terror attack yesterday.
Terrified residents were told they had “one minute” to get out of their houses as police evacuated homes on the quiet cul-de-sac at around 1.40pm today.
Officers from the Metropolitan police and Surrey police have put a 100m cordon in place in the area, which is a 37 minute train ride from Wimbledon – where the bombed Tube started its journey.
A Met spokesman said: “A search of the address is ongoing and the cordons will remain in place until the operation is complete.
“Police would like to thank the local residents directly affected for their cooperation and patience. Local officers are on duty in the immediate area to talk to the community and address any concerns that they may have.
“No further arrests have been made.”
Things have not been this chaotic in London town since the Nazis were bombing them every night!
In comes Trump with another tweet:
Another attack in London by a loser terrorist. These are sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland Yard. Must be proactive!
In a perfect world, I’d prefer a U.S. president who wouldn’t point out these things in public about our #1 ally, especially the reference to Scotland Yard.
At the same time, we are not living in anything close to a perfect world.  My guess is that there are a lot of British who’d wish that their country was indeed more proactive and less politically correct in dealing with this menace.
We hope for the best in the U.K.  However, things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.  The U.K., and Europe, is like the ghost of Christmas future in Dickens’s novel and I hope that we are paying attention and choosing our path forward wisely.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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