Tuesday, July 25, 2017

2010 and we were also talking about leaks

Image result for leakers clip art images

We are having a serious debate about leaks and the Trump administration in 2017.   

Back in 2010, we were having the same conversation and hitting The NY Times hard for their irresponsible publishing of classified information.

We asked back then:  Who is minding the store?  How did this happen again?

Marc A. Thiessen raised a good question back then and it applies to today's problems:
"What action did the Obama administration take to prevent the impending release of such volatile information?

State Department legal adviser Harold Koh sent a strongly worded letter urging WikiLeaks to cease publishing classified materials.

I'm sure that made Assange think twice."
Where was the Obama administration the last two times that Wikileaks posted classified information in 2010?   

Let's hope that the Trump administration comes down very hard on leaks, and specially, the people who leak classified information.