Tuesday, July 25, 2017

2006: Remember when the San Francisco school board decided to eliminate the ROTC?

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In 2006, we discussed that the San Francisco School Board decided to eliminate ROTC.    It was a hot topic on talk radio as well as the blog pages.

Why did they do it?  Because of the military's position on homosexuality back in 2006.

Since then, the US Senate dropped the "don't ask don't tell" policy in 2010 and homosexuals can serve openly.

Let me repeat that I feel that military officers, not politicians, should decide these issues.   After all, it is military officers who understand the impact that these social changes will have in the readiness and morale of troops.   In other words, I was always willing to live with whatever decision the military leaders made.

My problem back in 2006 was not about homosexuality.   It was about eliminating the ROTC from schools.   

After all, it was wrong to blame the military for what was essentially a political decision by President Clinton in 1993.

It was insane to go after the ROTC but typical of a city living in another planet.