Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A post from July 2010: We always knew that most of the media was in the tank for BO!

We've been enjoying the story (i.e. old e-mails) between media types doing their best to support candidate BO, specially after the Rev Wright videos were released in the spring of 2008!

Did anyone doubt that the media was cheering the Obama candidacy? Did some people just get it now that these e-mails were released?

Please consider this:

Do you believe that any white candidate, Rep or Dem, could have attended a church with a racist minister banging racist sermons? or attacking Jews?

Do you believe that the media would have allowed any candidate to get away with saying that he did not hear the racist sermons?

Please don't insult our intelligence. BO wrote that he was in church every Sunday and Rev Wright was a close family friend.

The American media was very irresponsible in 2008.

Fred Barnes nails it:
"Everyone knew most of the press corps was hoping for Obama in 2008.
Newly released emails show that hundreds of them were actively working to promote him."