Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A post from 2009: "No hope and change in Cuba"

Let's hope that Pres BO learned a big lesson this month: Cuba won't change until the Castro brothers leave or are forced to leave.

"After Raul declared he was "willing" to discuss issues like human rights and political prisoners with Obama, Fidel responded with an essay on a state-controlled Web site that said, essentially, not so fast.
And, he predicted, Obama will wind up on the "path [to] sure failure, like all of his predecessors."
Thanks for nothing, in other words, for lifting restrictions on Cuban-Americans' ability to send their families cash.

That's more than Cuba has gotten from any US president since Dwight Eisenhower.
Which is just what Obama should have expected, after making those gestures without demanding anything of Castro.
He probably was heartened, though, by Fidel's having asked a group of bootlicking US House members what he could do to "help President Obama."
Fidel won this round.

Let's hope that Pres Obama will demand something the next time that he calls for a change in US policy.

Again, Cuba won't change until Castro brothers die or are removed by force.