Thursday, April 13, 2017

Latin America stories of the week with Fausta Rodriguez Wertz

Guest:    Fausta Rodriguez Wertz, editor of Fausta's Blog.......we will look the mess in Venezuela.....Maduro's weekend with Raúl Castro........In Argentina, Cristina Fernandez's 4th indictment.....Down in Brazil, documents show that  Odebrecht paid ex-President Lula $5 million......El Salvador's VP involved with "Chepe Diablo" (not to be confused with El Chapo)......Kate del Castillo's new Netflix series, "Ingobernable"................Mr. Krause calls on the US to accept Mexicans as a consequence of US-Mexican history from the 19th century........the latest on the election in Ecuador.......A new post by Fausta about Mexico and more stories.........

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Tags: Venezuela marches, Maduro in Cuba with Raul Castro, Lula and allegations of bribes, Ex-president Cristina Fernandez and indictments, Mexico and illegal immigration, a new series about a First Lady in Mexico To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!