Monday, October 17, 2016

''Disco Duck' and 1976 want their foreign policy back

Let’s go back to October 1976. The # 1 song in the country was “Disco Duck“.    
On a more serious note, the USSR and Cuba were working together to attack the U.S. in Africa and Central America.    
It sure feels like 1976 all over again and I am not talking about dancing ducks.  
I mean that Russia, the one we used to call the USSR, is now down in Cuba talking to Raul Castro, the one who is running the island after his brother Fidel had to step aside for health reasons.   
We learned this week that the Russians are coming back to Cuba. To be fair, Russia is not going to subsidize Cuba the way that the USSR did from 1962 to 1992. At the same time, Russia is looking for an anti-U.S. angle and they found one in Cuba.     
Speaking to the paper, Vladimir Karjakin, a professor at the Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry of Defense, suggested that reopening the Lourdes SIGINT facility would significantly improve Russian radio intelligence, whose effectiveness is low compared to that of the U.S.
“In its own time, the intelligence center at Lourdes kept virtually the entire Western Hemisphere in its view, monitoring the U.S. at a depth of several thousand kilometers,” the retired Air Force colonel recalled.
We are not suggesting that this is 1962 when the USSR put missiles in the island. It sure looks like the 1970s when Cuba and the USSR worked together to hurt U.S. interests.    
So why didn’t we warn Castro and Cuba? Why didn’t we say that the embassy and trade deals would be cancelled if the Russians discussed opening the intelligence center at Lourdes?      
I guess that President Obama really wanted to make that Cuba deal. Just like he really wanted to make that Iran deal.    
From Cuba to Iran and now Obama Care, the question is the same: How does this help the people of the U.S.? It doesn’t but that’s for # 45 to worry about.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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