Monday, September 05, 2016

The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda


The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda 09/05 by Silvio Canto Jr | News Podcasts:

Guest: Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda..........We will look at the 2016 election and polls that show the race it really?.........the battle for the US Senate........more news about Mrs Clinton, the emails and server........Mrs Clinton can not recall.............Labor Day and the US economy 2016............Americans are apprehensive about national security......President Obama in China....and other stories of the week.......

Tags: Iran nuclear deal, President Obama in China, Labor Day and the US economy 2016, Clinton vs TrumpTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!