Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How can you do a presidential debate without a question about ObamaCare?

As the song goes, “another one bites the dust”! We just learned that another insurance carrier is out:
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee sent shock waves Monday across Tennessee with the company’s decision to exit the Obamacare exchange in Nashville, Memphis, and Knoxville, a move that highlights persistent volatility in the young health insurance marketplace.
Three years into the Affordable Care Act exchange, the state’s largest insurer is grappling with hefty losses and ongoing uncertainty on the marketplace. BCBST is open to coming fully back into the market once uncertainties about policies and the membership wane.
The insurer made “an extremely difficult but necessary decision” to leave the state’s three largest markets as it tries to manage its number of members to hit a break-even point after three years of losses, said Roy Vaughn, chief communications officer of BCBST.
The insurer is projecting losses approaching $500 million by the end of 2016. BCBST is not alone, as many insurers have been saddled with uncertainty and significant losses in the federally run marketplace.
Maybe Lester Holt, and his staff, were so busy studying “the birther” issue that this whole story just passed them by.
It is incredible to me that there were no questions about ObamaCare, a problem that will consume #45. Why didn’t Trump bring it up? He could have challenged the moderator to ask about it or simply bring it up during the economy discussion.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that Holt was part of some conspiracy. Worse than that — he doesn’t think that ObamaCare was important enough to be in the debate. That’s scary!
By the way, ObamaCare’s enrollment issues have now reached the point that the administration is hoping to use social media to pull in younger folks. Of course, it’s not that young people don’t know about ObamaCare. The real issue is that they don’t think it’s a good deal, whether you text or Facebook them!
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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