Monday, June 13, 2016

The Orlando shooter didn't complain about Gitmo before shooting people

(My new American Thinker post)

We are learning a lot about the Orlando shooting.  We will probably know a lot more by the time that this post is published.  We hear that he pledged allegiance to ISIS and may have been shouted a few words in support of his fellow terrorists.    

To my knowledge, he didn't say a word about Gitmo.    

Over the last few years, we've heard a lot about how Gitmo recruits.   We heard it from President Obama over and over again.     

However, Gitmo did not inspire the shootings in Paris, or San Bernardino or now in Orlando.

What evidence do we have that Gitmo is a recruiting tool?

We don't have any except a President who does not have the courage that he was wrong about Guantanamo in 2008.    

In fact, Polifact looked at the controversy and concluded this:
Analyses of jihadist propaganda materials show that Guantanamo is rarely mentioned, especially compared to other grievances against the United States, like military airstrikes. Al-Qaida uses Guantanamo less frequently now than it used to, though it was never a primary focus of their propaganda.
Orlando demonstrates that we are losing this war and it is a war.  Our soldiers are not losing it.  Our political class invested in political correctness is losing it and putting Americans at risk.    

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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