Thursday, May 26, 2016

‘Univisionistas’ vs Trump

A few weeks ago, we lamented that commencement addresses had now turned into political rants.   
My good guess is that most families are there to cheer the graduates. We were, when our sons graduated!
There are probably people in the audience of varying political views.
After all, Governor Romney got 61 million votes in 2012 or 48% of the vote. We can safely assume that many of the families sitting in the audience did not do “the hope and change” the last time around.
Nevertheless, the hits just keep on coming, as Larry Lujack used to say when I’d walk home from school listening to WLS in my little radio.   
Enter Maria Elena Salinas. She is a national anchor at Univision and not known for any crazy stuff. In fact, she was tough on President Obama in a 2012 Univision appearance.   
This week, Miss Salinas decided to hang her anti-Trump trophy:
Some people in the crowd at a graduation ceremony at California State University, Fullerton, shouted at the commencement speaker after she talked about presidential candidate Donald Trump and gave a brief section of her address in Spanish.
“It’s really sad,” the commencement speaker, Maria Elena Salinas, an anchor for Spanish language broadcast network Univision, said Tuesday. “And it’s a testament to what has happened in our country. Our country is really divided.”
“Stupid estupida” that’s all I can say about Maria Elena.   
I’m glad that she is worried about someone dividing the country.   
Why doesn’t she tell people to stop dividing the country by waving Mexican flags on U.S. soil?  
Or call on President Obama to stop going around Congress?
As AT readers know, I’m not a fan of Mr. Trump. At the same, I’m no fan of immigration activists dressed up as journalists either.
Maria Elena’s remarks coincided with the news that the head of Univision has already voted for president:
The chairman of Univision, the largest Spanish language TV network in the United States, is reportedly the single biggest donor to presidential Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and her husband former President Bill Clinton.  
According to an investigation on Clinton donations by the Washington Post, Haim Saban and his wife Cheryl, a women’s advocate and author, donated $2.4 million to Clinton political campaigns since 1992 — 39 contributions over the past two decades. Separately, the couple also donated at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation, the investigation shows.
It’s a free country and the head of Univision can do whatever he wants with his money. It’d be nice if Univision would tell its viewers but that’s life.
It’s a free country for me too and I can agree with Ruben Navarrete about Univision:
Republicans seem to have finally figured out the Spanish translation for “Democrats’ Communications Department.” It’s pronounced: “Univision.”
So I trust that the Trump staff knows that they will be running against the Clintons, many in the media and Univision.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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