Wednesday, May 25, 2016

“Oye Clinton”: Every Mexican flag means 1 million new votes for Trump!

(My new Babalu post)

Once again, we see people carrying Mexican flags at anti-Trump rallies.   It happened in New Mexico.
As my Babalu friends know, I did not support Mr Trump.    I’m still wrestling with the awful choice of Trump and the Clinton he recently said would make a great president.
Nevertheless, the Mexican flags are back and someone in the Clinton camp should take note urgently.
Who do these people think they are? They are entitled to opposing Trump but do they understand how divisive these images are?
Furthermore, what does the Mexican flag mean anyway?  Do these young people know about Mexico’s immigration laws?    
Memo to Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Univision and Vicente Fox: Tell your supporters to keep the flags home.     

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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