Friday, March 25, 2016

Obama does the tango, the sisters fight him in the Supreme Court

Yes, it’s okay for President and Mrs Obama to do a little tango in Buenos Aires. Every man and his wife should enjoy an evening of tango plus an excellent dish of Argentine beef and wine. I did not vote for him but it’s okay for the man to enjoy a little tango!
At the same time, life is a bit unfair for the president of the U.S. I mean reporters will not ask me or you about our ISIS policy when we are enjoying an evening of tango with our wonderful wives. Unfortunately, they do ask the president of the U.S., specially when he is doing the wave with Raul Castro or can’t put forward anti-ISIS policies after all these years.
It does not get any better when we see a split TV image of Obama doing the tango and “the sisters” in the Court fighting abortion.
In my opinion, the sisters have a case against ObamaCare because this is about religious liberty, one of the reasons that this nation was founded. I love what one of the sisters said:
“After hearing the argument today, we are hopeful for a positive outcome,” said Sister Loraine Marie Clare, Mother Provincial for the Little Sisters of the Poor. “We will continue to trust God because — as our Mother Foundress St. Jeanne Jugan said: ‘God will help us, the work is His.'”
“But now we find ourselves in a situation where the government is requiring us to include services in our religious health care plan that violate some of our deepest held religious beliefs as Little Sisters,” Sister Loraine Marie Clare said. “We don’t understand why the government is doing this when there is an easy solution that doesn’t involve us — it can provide these services on the exchanges.”
“It’s also hard to understand why the government is doing this when one-third of all Americans aren’t even covered by this mandate, and large corporations like Exxon, Visa, and Pepsi are fully exempt, yet the government threatens us with fines of $70 million per year if we don’t comply,” she continued.
This case raises a lot of issues:
1) President Obama has an optics problem, from watching a baseball game while Brussels burned to doing the tango when he should have been addressing the nation over terrorism.   
Fair or unfair, he has a problem, or maybe a case of horrible timing.   
It did not help for the Obama team to have a photo taken in front of a building with a picture of Che, one of the most anti-democratic and racist symbols to ever walk the earth.
2) Once again, we see the deception of ObamaCare. Did anyone hear a word about ObamaCare paying for abortions when it was being discussed in Congress? It looks as if pro-life Democrats got aborted without their consent!
3) Finally, it shows the insanity of Roe v Wade, or a ruling that puts people in two camps, for or against abortion. It makes it impossible for the people to regulate abortions, as they do in most countries. Or, giving state legislatures the opportunity to protect the aforementioned sisters and allowing women to have abortions at the same time.
I hope that the sisters win. This is a case about freedom and religious liberty rather taking anyone’s abortion rights away. It is also about the constitution and why the Founding Fathers wanted state legislatures settling these issues.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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