Sunday, December 06, 2015

Dear President Obama: Terrorists don't obey gun laws!

We hear that President Obama will speak to the nation on Sunday night.   My guess is that he is under pressure from his own party to show a little passion or engagement.   

Over the last few days, President Obama has missed the target and focused on gun laws.   

Yet, gun laws did not stop Mr & Mrs Terrorist from having a "bomb factory" in their garage.

What happened to all of those strict gun laws in California?   

The answer is simple:  Terrorists or criminals don't obey gun laws!    I guess that's why we call them criminals or terrorists.

The answer is not gun control.   We need to do a better job of profiling terrorists or staying a step ahead of them with police work and better intelligence.

Mr President:   Remember that  terrorists don't obey gun laws.

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