Friday, August 28, 2015

Ramos and Trump: Never send a partisan to do a reporter's job

(My new American Thinker post)

There are many "holes" in Mr Trump's positions on immigration, trade, taxes and so on.   For example, is Mr Trump calling for tax increases?   Is he willing to create a trade war?   How is that going to help the thousands of US companies who export?

In other words, Mr Trump has a lot of great lines but not too many specifics.   Frankly, a guy named Obama had a lot of good lines in 2008!

Unfortunately, Mr Ramos is too much of an activist to ask the questions that Mr Trump has not answered.  He also represents a network with a long history of support for Democrats.    

Ruben Navarette mentioned this point earlier this year: 
"Republicans seem to have finally figured out the Spanish translation for “Democrats’ Communications Department.”It’s pronounced: “Univision.”
Mr Ramos should have dropped the theatrics and asked a few serious questions:

1)  Mr Trump, will you go to Congress or issue an executive order to deport the people here?   what about the ones born here?    aren't they going to challenge your order and throw this in the courts?  

2) Will you go to Congress and call for something like "the brasero program" that worked so well in the 1950's?     Is your objective to have a legal path to working here?  

3) Will you separate the so called "dreamers" from the total population?   Are you willing to treat this group differently, as you apparently said when you met with some youngsters a few years ago?   

4) Would you like to see the US Supreme Court settle the issue of babies born to mothers without papers?  

Ramos went in on a mission to destroy Trump but exposed his obvious partisanship on these issues.   
It is incorrect for Mr Ramos to say that the US Constitution guarantees citizenship to any one born here.   The Constitution does not say that.   Ramos expressed an opinion not a fact.    

Mr Ramos should stop saying that Hispanics will not support Trump.   We don't know that.   Again, Ramos should stop giving us his opinions.   Hispanics are very disillusioned with Democrats, or the party that promises but does not deliver.    

Maybe Hispanics will look for someone who understands the economy rather than another politician who tells them what to hear!

Most of all, the 2016 election cycle has been a disaster for the experts.    Who predicted that Mr Trump would be leading the pack in late August?   or that VP Biden would be considering running?   or that Mrs Clinton's campaign would crash because of a private server?  or that Gov Bush would be trailing Dr Carson?

Jorge Ramos had a chance to ask serious questions.   Instead, he made it "The Jorge show".   

I guess that we will have to wait for a serious Hispanic reporter to sit down with Mr Trump.    My suggestion is Jose Diaz-Balart of Telemundo, a serious guy who wants answers rather than put on a show!

P. S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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