Tuesday, July 14, 2015

"El Chapo" aka Max Aragon

Like we say in cubano, "la bola pica y se extiende".
The "El Chapo" story has a new edition, or its California chapter:
"Joaquin Guzman Loera, known as "El Chapo," the kingpin of the Sinaloa cartel was issued a California Driver's License according to areport from Univision. The documents obtained by the Hispanic network are from a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) report where it states the drug lord obtained his license in 1988 under one of his aliases,Max Aragon. "
It gets better, or worse depending on how you feel abot national security:
"When "El Chapo" was issued the driver's license, he was already a wanted man by the DEA."
I have a simple question:  What other cartel leaders have licenses in California or in the US?

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