Friday, June 05, 2015

Merge FIFA with The Clinton Foundation

(My new American Thinker post)

As the world turns and Mrs Clinton's poll continue to drop, it may be time for a little change of plans.    

I mean let's put the Clintons in charge of FIFA and put presidential plans aside.

The Clintons are very familiar with FIFA, as reported by the Washington Post:
During the closing session of the Clinton Global Initiative’s 2013 annual meeting, Bill Clinton called to the stage a former rival named Hassan Abdullah Al-Thawadi.
Three years earlier, Al-Thawadi, a young Qatari businessman, had led his country’s successful effort to host the 2022 soccer World Cup, beating out, among others, a U.S. bid led by Clinton. Al-Thawadi and his countrymen had rejoiced after they were awarded the tournament in an auditorium in Zurich, while elsewhere in the room Clinton and his team stewed.
Allegations that Qatar had bribed its way to the victory soon emerged, prompting an internal investigation by soccer’s governing body that had been going on for more than a year by the time of the CGI event.
At the gathering, Clinton stood on stage as Al-Thawadi talked with pride about plans to use technology developed for Qatari soccer stadiums to cool greenhouses and feed the hungry.
“We bid on the belief that the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar will act as a catalyst for positive change in Qatar, in the Middle East as well as beyond,” Al-Thawadi said in New York that September day, before posing for a picture with Clinton and another Qatari official, according to a video of the event posted online.
For the Qataris, the moment offered a touch of Clinton-blessed legitimacy amid a brewing controversy. For the Clinton Foundation, it came with a major donation.
There is that word "donation" again.  

The Clinton Foundation and FIFA are two of a kind or the golden couple of international organizations putting money in the pockets of their leaders.
I think that it would be a perfect fit. The Clintons understand how the world does business.    

Bill Clinton can go from country to country, give a speech and get donations for FIFA and his estate, also known as the Clinton Foundation.

FIFA is where the Clintons belong. They belong in an unaccountable organization with no regard for transparency.Hillary Clinton can be named president of FIFA. She will have a big plane, a large staff, and no one will care about her emails. She can hire Syd and no one will care.

Last, but not least, the Clinton Foundation can work to bring the World Cup to the U.S. in 2024.  

The opening ceremony can be in a new stadium built next to the Clinton Library.

Let's give the Clintons to FIFA so we can have a serious election next year.

P.S. You can hear my show (CantoTalk) or follow me on Twitter.   

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