Thursday, June 04, 2015

Bush's class plus the Obama disaster equals Bush more popular than Obama

A few weeks ago, I wrote about President Bush speaking at the SMU graduation ceremony.   He got a great reception from the students and parents.
To be fair, President and Mrs Bush are very popular at the SMU campus and Texas.   In other words, it was probably not a cross-section of the country.
“According to the poll, 52% of adults had a favorable impression of George W. Bush, 43% unfavorable. When Bush left office in 2009, only about one-third of Americans said they had a positive opinion of him. This new poll presents a notable shift as Bush’s overall favorability has remained well below 50% for much of his time as a presidential alum.
Overall, 47% say things in the country are going well, 52% that they’re going badly. That’s a reversal from March, when 53% said things were going well, the highest share to say so during Obama’s presidency. The shift comes across partisan and demographic lines, with no one group’s opinions driving the overall change.”
Polls come and go.   However, I think that this poll is correct for a couple of reasons:
1) President Bush has remained silent and away from politics.  He’s been active in non-partisan activities and shown a lot of class.    
2) President Obama’s foreign policy is a disaster and the domestic situation is not much better.  He has shown very little leadership or willingness to work with the GOP in Congress.   The real Obama legacy is that Democrats like Governor O’Malley and Senator Sanders are now running against his economic record.
Cheers for President Bush.   Glad to see that he’s getting some of the credit that he deserves.
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