Friday, April 10, 2015

Iran is not cooperating with the deal

Like some of you, I had my doubts about all this talk of a deal with Iran. 
First, I get very nervous when they cheer in the streets of Iran but worry in Israel.  Sorry, but I’d rather see the Israelis smiling than the Iranians celebrating.  There is something about a crowd cheering “Death to America” that turns me off.
Second, the framework is down on paper but Iran keeps making demands:
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Islamic republic’s supreme leader, meanwhile, told state-run media outlets he is neither in favor nor against the proposed deal because it isn’t final, and he’s not certain it will become binding because he has “never been optimistic about negotiations with the U.S.”
So much for all those meetings, extensions, and press conferences.
In all fairness, negotiating with a country like Iran is not easy.  I don’t mean to take a cheap partisan shot against the Obama administration, because it would have been difficult for any other president.
At the same time, Iran fears only one thing: our bunker-busting bombs and Air Force. 
They know that we have the military capability to bomb them for weeks and then come back for a few more weeks.  

They know quite well that we could destroy or, at the very least, set their program back a generation. 

They fear the bombs, but they don’t see that in President Obama’s or Secretary Kerry’s eyes.  

What they see is a U.S. eager to make a deal. 

They've read Mr. Obama and Mr. Kerry correctly.  

They understand that Mr. Kerry wants a Nobel Peace Prize rather than to resolve the issue of a nuclear Iran.

My suggestion is that we keep the sanctions and go back to square one.  Let’s rip the current deal and start talking again.  We may have to wait until the next president takes office. 
P.S. You can hear my show (CantoTalk) or follow me on Twitter.

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