Friday, January 09, 2015

Where are we going to find $ 34 billion to pay for Obama's latest pandering to young people?

There is terror in Paris, ISIS is running unchecked but President Obama is pandering again.     I guess that he will tell us today that everyone in the country is entitled to a "community college education":
"In a video accompanying the announcement, the president said that his plan would be "making two years of community college free for anyone who's willing to work for it."
At $34 billion per year, taxpayers at least will be working for it, willing or not."
What's wrong with this?  

First, our community college system is working just fine.    It's a great alternative to the outrageously expensive university system.   In many instances, community colleges provide the kind of education that gets people hired, such as computer skills or basic business knowledge.

Second, students are currently paying for their education, or the best of all worlds.   Like me, and so many of you, they are working to pay for their education.    

And finally, we already have plenty of "tuition assistance" programs, from loans to veterans' benefits.

My guess is that this idea will never see the light of the day.    It will be another meaningless "hope and change" speech with a price tag.

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