Monday, January 05, 2015

Legislate and let Obama Veto


Twenty years ago, a new GOP House and Senate came into town. This week, 9 new Senators will give the GOP both houses again.

As in 1995, the GOP will have to work with a Democrat president. Unlike President Clinton, who had the good political sense to realize that success required a right turn, I don't President Obama will do the same.

My recommendation to the GOP Congress is to read Sunday's Dallas Mornings News editorial:
"Enough with the excuses. With the GOP in control of both bodies of Congress, Republicans must show that the party can govern. Texas lawmakers Sen. John Cornyn and Rep. Jeb Hensarling, both gaining power and influence in the new Congress, must step forward to help reshape the GOP from a party in opposition to a party in leadership."
Let me suggest a plan for the GOP:

1) Pass the Keystone Pipeline as soon as possible. I think that you will get the votes to pass and send it to President Obama. Let him "veto" the pipeline and explain it to the labor unions seeing jobs in the project.    

2) Pass an Obama Care repeal vote. Debate the bill on the floor. Force Democrats to defend it, specially in the context of so many paying more and more for their policies. Again, let President Obama veto the bill.     

3) Pass a border security bill that includes a conditional pathway to legalization for "dreamers" who were brought here as kids. I'm talking about kids attending schools or volunteering to serve in the armed forces. I'm not talking about amnesty or citizenship.

There are other issues, such as the Iran deal and lifting the Cuba embargo.

My point is that the GOP majority should act and put bills on President Obama's desk.   
It's called "governing" and the country yearns for it.

P.S. You can hear CANTO TALK here & follow me on Twitter @ scantojr.

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