Friday, January 09, 2015

I agree with many of "Rove's 2015 predictions"


Over the last week, I've seen my share of 2015 predictions.    I read and file many in my mind.   I usually forget them by June.     However, I think that Karl Rove has a few that you should pay attention to:
"Republicans will send the president a stream of measures on jobs, energy, spending restraint, health care, border security and immigration that will pass Congress with healthy Democratic support, producing the first sustained period of bipartisan legislation during the Obama presidency.
Despite veto threats, GOP House and Senate members will take tough votes on issues like entitlement and tax reform, producing a governing conservative vision for 2016.
The House and Senate will pass budget resolutions on time and almost all the appropriations bills before the new fiscal year’s Oct. 1 start. Mr. Obama will veto several appropriations bills for spending too little.
Republicans will slow discretionary domestic spending and raise the military’s share of the budget.
There will be a Supreme Court vacancy in 2015. The court will rule the Affordable Care Act does not allow premium subsidies in states without their own insurance exchanges. Appeals courts will hold the president lacked authority for his executive memos on immigration."
 I do advise that Karl Rove did well in his 2014 predictions.

It will be a tough year for President Obama, who doesn't have a strategy to tackle any of the nation's problems.    In fact, all of these veto threats will only infuriate Democrats tired of carrying President Obama's baggage.

My favorite, and most important prediction, is the one about an appeals court reversing the immigration executive order.   It needs to be reversed because it is unconstitutional and irresponsible.

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