Saturday, January 11, 2014

You couldn't fill up Cowboys stadium with December's new jobs figure

(My new American Thinker post)

Hard to put a happy face on today's jobs figure:
"The U.S. economy added only 74,000 jobs in December, well shy of estimates and dinging hopes of a widespread jobs recovery.  
The headline unemployment rate fell to 6.7% according to figures released by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Economists had predicted 196,000 new jobs last month and that the rate would remain unchanged at 7%."
"Only 62.8% of the adult population is participating in the labor market -- meaning they either have a job or are looking for one. That matches the lowest level since 1978.  
In the job market's 2007 heyday, unemployment was under 5%, but in the two years that followed, the recession wiped out 8.7 million jobs. To this day, not all those jobs have returned."
By the way, Jerry Jones' beautiful stadium has a seating capacity of 80,000!   My guess is that Mr Jones would be furious if he saw 10,000 empty seats in his stadium.

Sadly, there are a lot of "empty seats" in plants and industries around the nation. 

P. S. You can hear CANTO TALK here & follow me on Twitter @ scantojr.

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Can they tell us why they hired CGI in the first place?

(My new American Thinker post)

Someone got fired today but don't file this under any kind of 'presidential leadership" folder:
"The Obama administration is ditching CGI Federal, the main contractor that oversaw development of the badly-botched ObamaCare website.  
The feds are letting CGI's contract lapse because the company hasn't been effective in making repairs, a source familiar with the matter told the Washington Post.  
The source said, for example, that the site still can't automatically enroll people eligible for Medicaid in state programs. It also can't compute the exact amount of federal subsidies to be sent to insurers, Aaron Albright, a spokesman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said he "can't confirm anything regarding ongoing contract negotiations."  
He added: "We continually evaluate our needs and remain focused on ensuring consumers have access to affordable, quality coverage."  
The Canada-based CGI came under withering criticism for the bungled October 1 rollout of ObamaCare. The site crashed repeatedly as millions of frustrated users tried to sign up for health coverage."
OK so CGI got fired!

Can someone explain to me why they got the job in the first place? There is evidence that the management of CGI was a little too close to the Obama administration.
We don't know for sure whether CGI was legitimately selected or whether this is another variation of Solyndra.  

We need to know because a lot of money was spent on this project.

P. S. You can hear CANTO TALK here & follow me on Twitter @ scantojr.

Listen To Politics Internet Radio Stations with Silvio Canto Jr on BlogTalkRadio

Tags: CGI and ObamaCare  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Angola and the many “jovenes cubanos” who died there

(My new Babalu post)
We remember a bit of Cuban history largely forgotten today:    

"As part of an arrangement to decrease Cold War tensions and end a brutal war in Angola, Cuban troops begin their withdrawal from the African nation.
The process was part of a multilateral diplomatic effort to end years of bloodshed in Angola—a conflict that, at one time or another, involved the Soviet Union, the United States, Portugal, and South Africa."
Angola was just another example of Fidel Castro's "Megalomania" or his visions of being an international leader.
He used these African adventures to project power and sent young Cubans to wars that had absolutely nothing to do with Cuba.
Castro was also paying back the USSR for all of those subsidies that kept the island afloat for years.
There are no "official" casualty reports from Castro's regime.  I do recall reading that many young Cubans had died, according to this from The LA Times:    

"The Cuban general who defected to the United States last month has told U.S. officials that 10,000 Cuban troops have been killed in Angola since 1976, according to senior Administration officials.The estimate by Brig. Gen. Rafael del Pino Diaz is the first authoritative figure the United States has received on Cuban casualties in Angola, but the officials said it was roughly the same as American calculations."
Frankly, no one knows for sure.   Nevertheless, we can say that thousands died fighting wars that had nothing to do with Cuba.
Angola is one of the biggest tragedies of the Castro regime.  We can not allow people to forget that thousands died in that war!

Tags: Cuba and Angola  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!