Saturday, January 11, 2014

Can they tell us why they hired CGI in the first place?

(My new American Thinker post)

Someone got fired today but don't file this under any kind of 'presidential leadership" folder:
"The Obama administration is ditching CGI Federal, the main contractor that oversaw development of the badly-botched ObamaCare website.  
The feds are letting CGI's contract lapse because the company hasn't been effective in making repairs, a source familiar with the matter told the Washington Post.  
The source said, for example, that the site still can't automatically enroll people eligible for Medicaid in state programs. It also can't compute the exact amount of federal subsidies to be sent to insurers, Aaron Albright, a spokesman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said he "can't confirm anything regarding ongoing contract negotiations."  
He added: "We continually evaluate our needs and remain focused on ensuring consumers have access to affordable, quality coverage."  
The Canada-based CGI came under withering criticism for the bungled October 1 rollout of ObamaCare. The site crashed repeatedly as millions of frustrated users tried to sign up for health coverage."
OK so CGI got fired!

Can someone explain to me why they got the job in the first place? There is evidence that the management of CGI was a little too close to the Obama administration.
We don't know for sure whether CGI was legitimately selected or whether this is another variation of Solyndra.  

We need to know because a lot of money was spent on this project.

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