Saturday, November 22, 2014

Not "Fun in Acapulco" anymore!

Years ago, Elvis made a movie called "Fun in Acapulco".     
It's not fun anymore as we check recent events from our southern neighbor. 

It must be very bad in Acapulco.   

We just read this from the US Embassy in Mexico City:
"The U.S. Embassy in Mexico issued a security message Friday warning U.S. citizens to avoid the Pacific resort of Acapulco because of violence and protests.
In yet another blow to a coastal city once favored by U.S. movie stars and jet-setters in the 1950s and ‘60s, the embassy said its personnel “have been instructed to defer non-essential travel to Acapulco, by air or land,” and added that it “cautions U.S. citizens to follow the same guidelines.”
The alert noted that “protests and violent incidents continue in Guerrero state in response to the disappearance of 43 students there.”
Demonstrators have blocked highways to Acapulco, hijacked buses and blockaded the city’s airport to demand the government find the students who disappeared Sept. 26 in the nearby city of Iguala.
Prosecutors say local police working for a drug gang probably turned the students over to gang members, who may have killed them and burned their bodies."
Mexico is in the middle of a serious political storm over the death of 43 students.    The anger was compounded by a scandal over The First Lady's interest in a very expensive home.

Our friend Alfredo Corchado of The Dallas Morning News is reporting that there is a lot of uncertainty in the country.    It is hurting President Pena-Nieto's image.  

It is also putting a lot of people in the streets.    It is also going to cost Mexico a lot of tourist dollars.

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