Thursday, October 30, 2014

Shame on the Democrats for playing "the race card"

We are down to the last week and the Democrats are running scared.  

How scared are the Democrats.   Check this from J W Peters of The NY Times:
"In the final days before the election, Democrats in the closest Senate races across the South are turning to racially charged messages — invoking Trayvon Martin’s death, the unrest in Ferguson, Mo., and Jim Crow-era segregation — to jolt African-Americans into voting and stop a Republican takeover in Washington."
 This is shameful but will any Democrat call on the party to stop?   

The party's problem is a lack of results, specially if you are African American.  

It's time for President Clinton, the party statesman, to say that these tactics are wrong and have no place in our politics.

Beyond politics, these activities divide the county by poising the well.   We don't need more division.

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