Wednesday, August 06, 2014

A 2-star general is dead and President Obama silent?

We have not seen something like this since Vietnam, as reported by The New York Times:
For the first time since Vietnam, a United States Army general was killed in an overseas conflict on Tuesday when an Afghan soldier opened fire on senior American officers at a military training academy.
The slain officer, Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene, was the highest-ranking member of the NATO-led coalition killed in the Afghanistan war, and his death punctuated the problems vexing the Americans as they try to wind down the 13-year-old conflict, contending with a political crisis that has threatened to splinter the Afghan government and leave it unable to fend off the Taliban.
The general was among a group of senior American and Afghan officers making a routine visit to Afghanistan’s premier military academy on the outskirts of Kabul when an Afghan soldier sprayed the officers with bullets from the window of a nearby building, hitting at least 15 before he was killed.
Though American officials said General Greene was not believed to have been specifically targeted, his violent death at the hands of an Afghan soldier, not an insurgent, was a reminder of the dangers faced by even the highest-ranking, and best protected, officers in Afghanistan.
Where was President Obama?  He was speaking to an Africa business group but did not go to the press office to address this killing.
What a missed opportunity to show a little leadership and respect for the armed forces.
First, President Obama should have told the nation about the loss. He could have done this in a short Oval Office address.
Second, he should use the opportunity to explain our policy or mission.
Third, he could show everyone that he’s engaged and on top of the job.
President Obama chose to say nothing and that speaks volumes about the lack of leadership and respect for the troops.
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