Thursday, March 06, 2014

The Abbott vs Davis race is on

(My new American Thinker post)

As expected, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott won the GOP primary and State Senator Wendy Davis will represent the Democrats.

No surprises here.    However, the "total votes" must have a lot of Democrats very worried this morning.

According to The Dallas Morning News, AG Abbott got almost 655,000 votes and Sen Davis 238,000. 

It is true that there was a very contested Lt Governor race that will end up in a run off.  Dan Patrick and incumbent David Dewhurst will see each other again at the end of May.

There was also a GOP State Senator - John Corona - who lost a very publicized race to newcomer Don Huffines.  Lots of radio ads about this race in the Dallas area.

To be fair, these contested primary fights drove up GOP vote but I don't think that's enough to explain the huge difference between the parties.

November is 8 months away but Mr Abbott is off to an early start. 

He has a few advantages, such as a very spirited GOP base, good relations with "the tea party," a weak Democrat opponent and President Obama's unpopularity in Texas.

He should win but stranger things have happened, such as the late Ann Richards taking advantage of Clayton Williams' poor remarks back in 1990.

I don't expect that Mr Abbott will make those kinds of mistakes but 8 months is a long time!

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