Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Another George Bush wins in Texas

(My new American Thinker post)

From George H.W. Bush to George W. Bush to now George P. Bush, the 37 year old attorney who is likely to be our next Land Commissioner:
"George P. Bush took the first step toward continuing his family's political dynasty Tuesday, shaking off an under-funded primary challenger and securing the Republican nomination for the little-known but powerful post of Texas land commissioner.  
The 37-year-old Fort Worth attorney is the grandson of former President George H.W. Bush, nephew of former President and Texas Gov. George W. Bush, and son of ex-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush who is frequently mentioned as a possible GOP White House hopeful in 2016.  
He's also a Spanish speaker whose mother Columba was born in Mexico and who Republican leaders statewide long have toasted as key to wooing voters among Texas' booming Hispanic population."
I saw Mr Bush on TV and he is really sharp.  My guess is that he will run for Governor after Mr Abbott serves a couple of terms. 

Will he run for president?  I don't know that but I wouldn't be surprised.  

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