Saturday, February 22, 2014

What if Obama had supported the protesters in Venezuela?

(My new American Thinker post)

Once again, President Obama has missed a chance to put the US with the people of a country rebelling against a corrupt regime.

Remember Iran in 2009?  Remember when Iranians took to the streets to protest a corrupt election?  President Obama stood silent and watched the regime commit atrocities.

Why didn't President Obama stand up with the people in the streets of Venezuela? These people are fighting a government that ran a corrupt election, develops its ties with Iran and Cuba.  It is also an anti-US regime, from insults for President Bush at the UN to supporting leftist candidates with cash.

So what relationship with Venezuela is President Obama trying to protect?  A friendship with a regime that is not friendly to the US? Thugs who've used every opportunity to make life difficult for the US?

Again, what relationship are we preserving?  The Caracas regime just expelled more US diplomats for no reason at all.  They accuse the diplomats of being puppets of the CIA or people planning the demonstrations.

Wouldn't it make more sense for President Obama to put the US with the people in the streets?  Can you imagine how such a supportive statement would be received by the public?  It would energize the opposition and probably be the last straw to bring down the Maduro regime. 

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