Monday, January 13, 2014

“No me digas”: The Obama Care website “habla Spanglish”!

(My new Babalu post)

Why is anyone surprised?   The Spanish Obama Care website is a mess!
"The site,, launched more than two months late.
A Web page with Spanish instructions linked users to an English form.
And the translations were so clunky and full of grammatical mistakes that critics say they must have been computer-generated — the name of the site itself can literally be read "for the caution of health."
"When you get into the details of the plans, it's not all written in Spanish.
It's written in Spanglish, so we end up having to translate it for them," said Adrian Madriz, a health care navigator who helps with enrollment in Miami.
The issues with the site underscore the halting efforts across the nation to get Spanish-speakers enrolled under the federal health care law. Critics say that as a result of various problems, including those related to the website, many people whom the law was designed to help have been left out of the first wave of coverage.
The article also goes on to explain that enrollment is way down.
My guess is way down because of it is too expensive.  Too many "hispanos" bought into the nonsense that Obama Care would be paid by the rich!
They are slowly finding out they are the rich!
As our parents learned in Cuba, be careful with the charlatan who promises by playing class warfare.  It usually ends up hurting the exact people cheering the speech at the rally.
Again, just ask our parents about socialist demagoguery!

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