Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Will there be any refunds for those who watched Al Gore's movie?

(My new American Thinker post)

Before I get nasty emails from Chicago Bears' fans, let me congratulate your team for the 3-1 start.  Don't feel bad because you'll get another shot at those Lions later. We're 2-2 in Dallas so don't complain!  The bears in this post live in the frigid North.  They are the bears that look great on pictures but you don't want to get close to.  

The bears up in the tundra are apparently doing rather well these days, according to news reports:     

"For years polar bears have been the poster boys of global warming - routinely reported to be  threatened with extinction due to melting ice-packs and rising sea temperatures.      
Indeed, when they were put on the US Endangered Species list in 2008, they were the first to be registered solely because of the perceived threat of global warming.   
One prominent scientist said their numbers would be reduced by 70 per cent by 2050 while global  warming proponents - including Al Gore and Sir David Attenborough - used emotive imagery to highlight their 'demise'.   
Yet there is one small problem: many polar bear populations  worldwide are now stable, if not increasing.  According to a report compiled this year on Canadian polar bear populations by academics at Lakehead University, Ontario, only one out of 13 areas showed declining numbers. In fact, in some areas numbers have steadily increased. " 

And then here is the clincher:   

"I've lived here all my life and there are more bears every year. I read stories about polar bears being on the brink of extinction because of global warming, look out of my window and start to laugh.'"   

Frankly, we want to laugh too. However, will there be any refunds for those who watched Al Gore's movie?

Better than that, who is going to apologize to all of those kids who cried about the extinction of polar bears?    

Who is going to tell the parents that all of those fund raisers to save the polar bears were based on "a poor calculation"?   

You can hear CANTO TALK here.

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