Friday, October 25, 2013

Babalu: The Ted Cruz Democrats!

(My new Babalu post)
Last month, Senator Cruz was called every name in the book for suggesting that ObamaCare should be repealed, or at least defunded.
Despite the vicious attacks, Senator Ted Cruz fought on because he understood just how unpopular Obama Care is outside of Washington.
Where are we now?   
"Lawmakers are pressing to extend the deadline beyond March 31 after the troubled roll out of Obamacare raised concerns that people might not be able to sign up in time to avoid the $95 fine that jumps to $695 by 2016.
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., who faces re-election next year, wrote to President Obama, noting the glitch-plagued roll out that began Oct. 1 and asked him to extend the deadline beyond March 31.
"The difficulty that people in New Hampshire and in other states that are relying on the federally facilitated marketplaces are experiencing is incredibly frustrating and disappointing," Shaheen wrote. "For over three years, we have been waiting for the creation of the health insurance exchanges, which now in their fourth week of existence, are riddled with problems."
Backing Shaheen are Sens. Mark Begich, D-Ala., and Mark Pryor, D-Ark., two more more vulnerabP.S. le Democrats from red states facing competitive re-election bids next year.
Pryor, considered the most vulnerable Democratic Senator, said in a statement that "it makes sense" to extend the deadline and that the Obama administration "should state clearly how the enforcement mechanism will work if people can’t sign up in time." Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., who is not up for re-election but whose state is more purple than blue, said he and Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., would introduce legislation to delay the health care law's individual mandate by a year."
Will The White House call them reckless and irresponsible?  Terrorists and arsonists?
Yes, it's true that these red-state Democrats are looking out for themselves. They are also hearing from constituents, specially after the ObamaCare web site fiasco!  They are not hearing anything pretty from angry taxpayers who can't understand why the Obama administration spent $600 million on a website that doesn't work.
Let's welcome and cheer the first class of "Ted Cruz Democrats"!   
For more on these Democrats, check out Kimberley Straeel at The Wall Street Journal:
"The pressure for other Democrats to join will rise, as will the pressure for the party to embrace more extensive changes to the law."
Yes, slowly but surely they will become Ted Cruz Democrats, i.e. people who come to their senses about this horrific law!

Tags: ObamaCare and Democrats  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!