Saturday, September 28, 2013

What if the Affordable Act becomes very NOT affordable?

The AHCA (Obama Care) will take off next Tuesday, or at least the exchanges will be open.

According to some news reports, it will not be very affordable:

"New research from the Manhattan Institute estimates that insurance rates for young men will rise by 99 percent. Rates for younger women will rise between 55 percent to 62 percent, according to the right-leaning New York think tank. "

We spoke with Eileen F Toplansky, contributor to American Thinker.  She just posted a new article about Obama Care:

"As of September 9, 2013, Investor's Business Daily had compiled a list of 258 companies "that have shed work hours, jobs or taken other steps to avoid [the] costs" of [ObamaCare]. This following list dated September 18, 2013 shows "strong proof that ObamaCare's employer mandate is behind [the] cuts to work hours or staffing levels." In only nine days, the list has now increased to include 301 employers. The cuts are staggering when one contemplates the hardships families will incur. These cuts are occurring all across the nation."

It's a mess, big mess. 

Click here for Friday's show:

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