Thursday, September 26, 2013

My new Babalu post: “Obama que malo baila Usted”

(My new Babalu post)

Beny More would agree with me.  He'd be joining me today singing  "Obama que malo baila Usted".  What a pathetic performance by President Obama at the UN.
President Obama headed to the UN this week desperately hoping to make history.  He was determined to make something happen by shaking the hand of the new Iranian "moderate", or the new kid in town who recently posted an Op-Ed over at The Washington Post.  He left town without a handshake and his speech was "all mush", specially the line about the world being more stable than it was 5 years ago.
The humiliation was total and complete.  It  ended when "the Iranian moderate" refused to shake President Obama's hand.  Here is an account of the week's events:
"For days before the U.N. conclave, White House aides had broadcast the President's desire to shake Mr. Rouhani's hand. By Monday, the press was overflowing with leaked accounts of where and how it would happen. Having thus turned down the lights and turned up the mood music, it made the snub that followed especially potent. What the Administration is trying to spin as a function of complex Iranian politics was, in blunt fact, an expression of lordly contempt for what Iranian leaders consider to be an overeager suitor from an unworthy nation." (WSJ)

Another bad day for the "si se puede" gang who bought into the idea that Obama would change the world with a speech and a smile.
We learned again that Iran does not like us.  They don't our like our leaders, whether our president is a Texas Cowboy or "a self proclaimed enlightened liberal" who promised to meet unconditionally with our enemies when he was a candidate.
Again, they don't like us and have no serious plan to change their nuclear plans.  They are just buying time, as the leader of Israel warned us.
Another waste of time at the UN and don't forget that we pay 22% of the dues.
We repeat:  They are not going to shake our hand because we want to shake theirs!   My guess is that they are laughing in Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea.
What's next?  When will Raul Castro proclaim himself  "a moderate", write an Op-Ed and get the story going about shaking hands with President Obama?
You can hear CANTO TALK here.

Tags:  Obama, and Iran at the UN  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!