Thursday, September 26, 2013

Clear media bias: Wendy Davis and Ted Cruz

(My new American Thinker post)

We all remember how the media reacted to Texas State Senator Wendy Davis' filibuster in Texas.   

Our friends at POLITICO remember the "media bias" too:   

"When a Democrat like Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis filibusters against abortion restrictions, she is elevated to hero status, her tennis shoes become totems.  When Cruz grandstands against Obamacare, he is a laughingstock in the eyes of many journalists on Twitter, an "embarrassment" in the eyes of The New York Times editorial board."

There is another point here.  

Abortion in the 20th week was opposed by most Texans.  Nevertheless, Senator Davis was presented as a principled woman who stood up to the big boys in Austin.  Senator Davis was allowed by a very friendly media to turn the narrative from "late term abortion" to "choice." No one in the media challenged Senator Davis' false narrative. No woman in Texas was denied her "right" to an abortion.

ObamaCare is extremely unpopular.  In fact, did you see any Democrat running in a competitive election stand up for ObamaCare during the Cruz speech?  ObamaCare has been amended and changed without a congressional vote.  Why?  Because Senator Reid will lose Democrats if there is a vote in the Senate.

Cruz stands up to oppose an unpopular law and he is a "wacko bird".

Davis supports an unpopular procedure and she is treated like a modern Joan of Arc.

Media bias?  Do you need any further evidence?

You can hear CANTO TALK here.

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