Monday, September 30, 2013

A 163rd game for the Rangers

The up and down and now up again season of the Texas Rangers finished dramatically on Sunday.  In fact, the season did not really finish because we will need a "163rd" game to settle one of the wild card spots.

The Rangers had the best record baseball at the end of May.  They went into a terrible slump, then came a great month of August and a terrible September.

Frankly, I thought that the season was over a week ago when they lost a 4-0 game to Kansas City.  I really did.  

Like before, the Rangers showed their resiliency and won 7 in a row. Thankfully, they got some help from Toronto but they still had to win their games to extend the season.

The post season is here and it's great to have the Rangers playing baseball!  

Go Rangers!

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