Wednesday, August 07, 2013

When people write about stuff they know nothing about

(My new Babalu Blog post)

Our good friend and fellow Babalusian Humberto Fontova brought this "cheap shot attack" on Pedro Pan to our attention.
It turns out that The Latin Times wrote this about Pedro Pan and Miguel Bezos, the man who adopted Jeff Bezos:

"Miguel Bezos was born in Cuba and came to the United States alone when he was fifteen as part of Operation Peter Pan - a CIA-run program which spread rumors that Fidel Castro's government would be forcibly putting children in military schools and work camps, and helped Cuban parents place their children with host families and group homes in the United States."
Where do we start?

First, Miguel Bezos was indeed one of the 14,000 plus youngsters who came to the US.  Later, he married Jeff's mother and adopted the young boy. Frankly, I think that's something that should be applauded. My guess is that there are thousands of single mothers in the world who wish that they could find a responsible man like that.

Second, the CIA did not have to spread rumors about the Castro government putting children in "work camps." The editor of The Latin Times should have checked with thousands of our parents. They would have confirmed such a reality. I write about this in my book and the confrontation my mother had with the CDR block chief who wanted to take me to a "work camp." It was the day that my mom told a "comunista" that he would take me over her dead body. The "comunista" did not challenge my mother.

Let me assure The Latin Times that my mother did not hear it from the CIA. She heard it from the Cuban government.

All of this garbage about the CIA is exactly that, garbage. It is a narrative that the Castro regime created to justify their betrayal of the Cuban people. Sadly, there are too many people in the West who would rather believe a Castro narrative than do a little research.

Third, what is the editor's source for making a statement like that? Why didn't they link some source to the statement? My English teacher would have given me a big "red mark" if I had ever made a statement like that without a footnote! (It was footnotes not links when I was in high school)

I'm hoping that the editor of The Latin Times will come on my radio show and discuss this outrageous cheap shot against Pedro Pan children and the many volunteers who helped.

We have a word for The Latin Times, which was made popular by the late Alvarez-Guedes; that word is "comem_____a!"

P.S. We have a little homework for the Editor of The Latin Times:

1) Read Babalu everyday. You will see that we "link" sources to our statements.

2) Check out Carlos Eire, one of The Pedro Pan children. Read his memoir "Learning to die in Miami". The CIA did not pay him to write that book.

3) Read the Pedro Pan chapter in Fernando Hernandez's latest book: The Cubans: Our footprints across America. (The CIA did not pay Fernando to write this book, either)

Check out Wednesday's show with the aforementioned Fernando Hernandez:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on BlogTalkRadio

Tags: The CIA and Pedro Pan  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!