Monday, July 29, 2013

A bad summer for Hollywood

We read today that Hollywood has had a rough summer:

"Industry insiders are referring to this season as "the summer of doom" – an overcrowded huddle of big-budget spectaculars, without the audience to sustain them. US box office takings are down 19% on the same period last year, while the studios are smarting from such high-profile casualties as The Lone Ranger, After Earth and the supernatural action-thriller RIPD

While the runaway success of Iron Man 3 and Despicable Me 2 helped soften the blow, major figures claim that the industry needs to adapt quickly or die."

We spoke about Hollywood and the movie industry with Bill Katz of Urgent Agenda.   Bill worked in the entertainment industry and believes that the industry is in trouble.  My theory is that the movies just aren't that good!  Where are "The Ten Commandments" when we really need them?

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