Saturday, May 11, 2013

2013 and a good word about Price Harry!

We love Prince Harry.  We praised him for going to Afghanistan rather than using some excuse to avoid military service.

Prince Harry is in the US and spent sometime with the wounded warriors.  It was great and the pictures were fabulous:
"Dressed in his Army Air Corps fatigues and desert boots, the 28-year-old Prince, known as Captain Wales in the military, listened intently as he was given a briefing on advances in prosthetics after meeting the center's commander, Rear Admiral Alton Stocks.He was then shown around the huge complex by Dr Chuck Scoville, chief of rehabilitation, including a demonstration in a revolutionary Computer Assisted Rehab simulator.He watched as an double amputee army specialist injured on in Afghanistan - who could not be identified for security reasons - demonstrated what he had been learning on the machine which is used to help wounded soldiers normalise their balance."

He also attracted a lot of girls but that's what happens when you are single prince. 

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